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  1. 国家环境保护总局南京环境科学研究所 南京 210042
  • 出版日期:2000-12-15 发布日期:2000-12-15

Hu Mengchun   

  • Online:2000-12-15 Published:2000-12-15

摘要: 最近在沙漠学界及翻译工作者中,对desertification的汉译,有不同的意见。一些人主张译为荒漠化,另一些人认为应译为沙漠化。笔者就此谈些粗浅看法。
荒漠与沙漠是两个不同的概念。关于二者区别,我想引用沙漠学前辈吴正教授在其专著《风沙地貌学》中的一段文字:荒漠(desert)是指气候干旱、降雨稀少且多变,植被稀疏低矮,土地贫瘠的自然地带,意为“荒凉”之地。荒漠有石质、砾质和沙质之分。石质和砾质的荒漠平地称为戈壁,而沙质的荒漠才称为沙漠(sandy desert)。由此可知,荒漠的内涵比沙漠丰富,外延比沙漠大。
《朗文现代英语词典》对desert的解释是“a Large Sandy Piece of land where there is very little rain and less plant life than else where”(大面积的沙地,几乎没有雨水,植物比任何其他地方都少)。按该词典的解释,desert译为沙漠比较合适。
《牛津词典》对desert的解释是:(1)adj.uninhabited,desolate,uncultivated,barren(形容词。无人居住的,荒芜的,未耕作的,光秃的)。(2)waterless and treeless region(无水无树的地方)。《韦氏词典》中,对desert的解释是:(1)an unhabited tract of land;a region in its natural state;a wildness(无人居住的大片土地;处于自然状态的区域;野地)。(2)a dry,barren region,largely treeless and sandy(干旱、无树、有沙的裸地)。据这两个词典解释,desert可译为荒漠,也可译为沙漠。
《远东英汉大辞典》(FAR EAST ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY,远东图书公司印行,1977)的解释:(1)沙漠。The Sahara Desert。撒哈拉沙漠。an oasis in a desert,沙漠中的绿洲。(2)不毛之地。(3)海洋中鱼类无法生存之处。(4)缺乏某事之地方。The town was a cultural desert.那一城镇是文化沙漠。
desert (1)沙漠,(2)荒漠
deserta 荒漠群落
desert armour 荒漠甲胄
desert belt (或zone)沙漠带
desert climate 荒漠气候
desert crust 荒漠结皮,沙漠盐壳
desert deposit 沙漠沉积
desert devil 沙卷风
desert erosion feature 荒漠侵蚀地形
desert grassland 沙漠草地(美国西南部和墨西哥)
desert lake 沙漠湖
desert pavement 沙漠卵石覆盖层
desert soil 荒漠土
desert steppe 荒漠草原
desert steppe soil 荒漠草原土
desert storm 沙暴,尘暴
desert varnish 沙漠岩漆
desert wind 沙漠风
desert wind squall 沙漠风飑
desert zone 荒漠地带
“Desertification is the diminution or destruction of the biological potential of land,and can lead ultimately to desert like conditions.It is an aspect of the widespread deterioration of ecosystems,and has diminished or destroyed the biological potential,i.e.Plant or animal production,for multiple use purposes at a time when increased productivity is needed to support growing populations in quest of development.”
“Desertification/land degradation,in the context of assessment,is land degradation in arid,semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting mainly from human activities.”
“Land in this concept includes soil,local water resources,land surface and vegetation or crops.”
“Degradation implies reduction of resource potential by one or a combination of processes acting on land.These processes include water erosion,wind erosion and sedimentation by those agents,long-term reduction in the amount of diversity of natural vegetation,where relevant,and salinization and sodication.”
“Desertification is land degradation in arid,semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors,including climate variations and human activities.”
“Drought means the naturally occurring phenomenon that exist when precipitation has been significantly below normal recorded levels,causing serious hydrological imbalance that adversely affects land resource production system.”
“Land degradation means reduction or loss in arid,semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas,of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rainfed cropland,irrigated cropland,or range,pasture,forest and woodlands resulting from land uses or from a process or combination of processes,including processes arising from human activities and habitation patterns,such as:soil erosion caused by wind and/or water;deterioration of the physical,chemical and biological or economic properties of soil;and long-term loss of natural vegetation.”
我们再看科学家是如何使用desertification这一概念的。在UNEP编的《World Atlas of Desertification》第2版第129页,图4-29中,南欧地中海沿岸国家也被划入发生desertification的国家。这些国家是与沙漠和沙地无缘的,这些国家是以水蚀形成的冲沟,劣地、裸地景观为土地退化特征的。
在该图集第2版第4页,图6,Aridity Zones中,干旱亚湿润(Dry Subhumid)区,与沙、沙漠分布关系不大。以中国为例,从黄土高原东半部起,山西、河北、河南、直到渤海边、山东半岛,均包括在干旱亚湿润区内。再看一看该图集第1版第14页图12,Water Erosion Severity,看看世界水蚀分布范围,特别是干旱土地水蚀面积统计,就更清楚了。如果将desertification译为沙漠化,那么这些区域怎么能包含在沙漠化的概念之中呢?